Innovative technologies for the valorization of Forest and Fire: rePLANT’s 2nd Demonstration Action

15 May 2023 – Serras do Porto Park

After 3 years of intense multidisciplinary collaboration and joint effort between 20 entities, rePLANT – the first major initiative and operationalization project from CoLAB ForestWISE – presents in this second demonstration action a set of innovative technologies for an integrated management of forest and fire.

In this action, participants will have the opportunity to know some of the most innovative products resulting from this mobilizing project, namely:

  • The surveillance system through the installation of optical cameras on REN power poles integrated with the fire behaviour simulator and fire monitoring.
  • The technological solutions for collecting data on forest stands, through smartphone applications for forest inventory.
  • Integrated solutions using sensors attached to harvesting and filling machines (IoT), which make it possible to analyse/monitor all the information collected in a multi-user logic.
  • New equipment for bush management using robotics with the ability to detect areas that need cleaning with a minimum margin of error.


The participation in this demonstration requires registration and prior confirmation by the event organization.