Pilot on analysis products, using LiDAR, for land management, forestry and rural fires.
Started in April 2020 and funded by ICNF through the Permanent Forest Fund, áGil is a pilot project whose results from the first national LiDAR coverage will provide models for the management of economic and non-economic values and risk in the territory (in forest areas and urban-forest interface) to be used by new decision support systems (DSS).
The pilot focuses on seven target territories, covering about 45 thousand hectares (from Monsanto to Vila Pouca de Aguiar) with LiDAR scanning densities of 5 and 10 points/m2.
The main activities of the ÁGiL.TerFoRus project are:
Detailed cartographic information on fuel quantity, density and structure;
Testing the capacity to assess the values in risk (biomass, woody material, ecosystem, stored carbon, buildings and other infrastructures) in an integrated manner;
Testing the defensibility of values and risk and the priority areas for intervention, considering the surrounding forest context, fire exposure mapping, vulnerability and potential fire intensity and probability of ignition.
áGiL will contribute to integrated forest and fire management, providing the empirical basis necessary for the formulation of policies that promote the use of biomass, a fundamental ambition for the sustainability of forest areas.
The ÁGiL.TerFoRus project is funded by the Permanent Forestry Fund
Public event “From territorial information to strategic decisions on rural fires” (14/05/2021) (PT)

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