The Integrated Project BE@T – Bioeconomy for Textile and Clothing, is led by CITEVE – Technological Centre for Textile and Clothing Industries of Portugal, and has the participation of 54 representative entities of the textile and clothing sector.
The objective of Be@t is to promote and valorise the Bioeconomy for the Textile and Clothing sector, in order to accelerate the production of high added value products from biological resources, as an alternative to fossil-based materials.
This project is based on four pillars:
- Biomaterials;
- Circularity;
- Sustainability;
- Society.
CoLAB ForestWISE® participates in a measure of the Sustainability and Society pillar, where together with CITEVE and CTCP – Footwear Technological Centre of Portugal, will develop three good practice guides for the development of circulating demo products.
Objective of the measure:
To systematise and compile all the good practices generated in the course of the BE@T project, regarding the development of circular demonstrative textile products, encompassing the concepts of sustainability, eco-design and eco-engineering.
In particular, a special relevance will be given to the good practices underlying the development of sustainable and circular demonstrative products, obtained through cross synergistic actions with the three strands of the C12 component of the Bioeconomy, namely Textile and Clothing, Footwear and Natural Resin.
Co-financed by Component 12 – Promoting Sustainable Bioeconomy, integrated in the Climate Transition Dimension of the Recovery and Resilience Plan in the framework of the European Union (EU) Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (RRM), framed within the Next Generation EU, for the period 2021 -2026
See here the project file (PT)

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