What are the perceptions about the forest? The example of Mação,

The decisions and strategies that affect forests and forest management in Portugal require knowledge of the perceptions about forests, as well as the motivations and attitudes of the various actors involved in the territory.
Knowledge about motivations, attitudes and perceptions about the forest is fundamental to the construction and legitimisation of public policies and support mechanisms for the forest sector, and this is one of the challenges that ForestWISE – Collaborative Forest and Fire Laboratory intends to develop in its various thematic areas, particularly in the line of work “People and Policies”.
The county of Mação (Central Interior Region) was used as a case study to learn about social perceptions of forestry, forest management and rural fires in Portugal. Between 2010 and 2012 5% of the resident population over 17 years old (323 respondents), and 30 agents of governmental and non-governmental organizations at local, regional and national level, related to the forestry sector were surveyed.


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