Area that focuses on forest risk issues through fuel management, community prevention, management and design of suppression systems, and ecosystem restoration, including forest health monitoring.
The expected research results will address:
Fuels treatment techniques, with and without fire (including agro-forestry practices), fuels management effectiveness (e.g., through fuel breaks), fuel dynamics (e.g., fuel load modeling) and assessment of the fuel complex load and structure;
Man-made ignition management and community preparedness (planning and building in an rural-urban context and fire awareness), fire weather, extreme fire behavior, and flexible management and design of fire suppression systems;
Ignition detection and firefighter safety based on remote sensing technologies, and low-cost data collection models and tools;
Tools for risk assessment and management (fuel management planning, probabilistic fire simulation, rapid assessment of values at risk, post-fire risk assessment), and warning and information systems for incident management;
Increased forest resilience through new silvicultural models and state-of-the-art forest health planning;
Guidelines and solutions for restoring forests after catastrophic events and control of invasive species.
Ana Sá
Senior Researcher
Ph.D. in Forest Engineering and Natural Resources Management (ISA, 2009)
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