Alexandra Marques
Executive Committee
Senior Researcher
PhD in Forest Engineering and Natural Resources Management (UTL, 2012)
Work Line 3: Circular economy and value chains
PhD in Forest Engineering (UTL, 2012), Alexandra Marques worked as leader of the research team in optimization of forest-based value chains in INESC TEC, collaborated in Forestis – Association of Forest Owners of Portugal and was consultant and project manager in the IT consulting companies Link Consulting and Metacortex. With more than 25 scientific publications and several technical publications, Alexandra has coordinated national and European projects in the forestry area and also in viticulture, telecommunications, supply chains and transports. Alexandra has supervised three PhD students and several MSc theses at IST, ISA and FEUP.
Areas of interest:
Forest planning and economics, Supply chains, Interoperability with digital technologies (forest 4.0).
Title: Integrated planning of inbound and outbound logistics ith a Rich Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls: an application to thw wood-based panel industry
Year: 2020
Authors: Marques, A., Soares R., Santos M., Amorim, P.
Revista: Omega
Title: Production scheduling in the context of Industry 4.0: review and trends
Year: 2020
Authors: Parente M.; Figueira, G.; Amorim, P.; Marques, A.
Journal: International Journal of Production Research
Title: Contribution towards a comprehensive methodology for wood-based biomass material flow analysis in a circular economy setting
Year: 2020
Authors: Marques, A.; Cunha, J.; DeMeyer, A.; Navare K.
Journal: Forests
Title: Multiple vehicle synchronization in a full truck-load pickup and delivery problem: a case-study in the biomass supply chain
Year: 2019
Authors: Soares, R.; Marques, A.; Amorim, P., Rasinmaki, J.
Journal: European Journal of Operations Research