Aline Oliveira
Project Manager
PhD in Meteorology Applied to Forest Sciences (UFV, Brasil, 2019)
Work Line 3: Circular economy and value chains
With a Master’s degree in Environmental Systems Analysis and Modelling (UFMG, 2010), a PhD in Meteorology Applied to Forestry Sciences (UFV, 2019) and a Post-Doctorate in Forest Fire Management (ESAC-IPC), her professional career is based on research and project management in landscape management and environmental economics, namely the ecology and economics of fire in forest environments. He has experience in geographic databases, spatial and numerical simulation models of changes in land use and land cover, analyses and estimates of agricultural and forestry profitability, carbon balance and valuation of ecosystem services. Through the use of geotechnologies (TIG and GIS), the results of his research are a tool for designing public policies and supporting decision-making in business sectors such as forestry and agriculture, and for environmental managers.
Areas of interest: GIS, Geostatistics, Spatial Simulation, Forest Management, Forest Fire Behaviour.
Title: The effect of broadleaf forests in wildfire mitigation in the WUI–A simulation study
Year: 2023
Authors: Oliveira, A., Silva, J., Guiomar, N., Fernandes, P., Nereu, M., Gaspar, J., Rodrigues, J. , et al
Journal: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
Title: Costs and effectiveness of public and private fire management programs in the Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado
Year: 2021
Authors: Oliveira, A., Soares-Filho, B., Oliveira, U., Van der Hoff, R., Carvalho-Ribeiro, S., Oliveira, A., Rajão, R., et al
Journal: Forest Policy and Economics
Title: Economic losses to sustainable timber production by fire in the Brazilian Amazon
Year: 2019
Authors: Oliveira, A., Rajão, R., Soares Filho, B., Oliveira, U., Santos, L., Assunção, A., de Lima, L., et al
Journal: The Geographical Journal
Title: Spatially explicit valuation of the Brazilian Amazon forest’s ecosystem services
Year: 2019
Authors: Strand, J., Soares-Filho, B., Costa, M., Oliveira, U., Ribeiro, S., Pires, G., Oliveira, A., Toman, M., et al
Journal: Nature Sustainability