PhD in Biology (FCUP, 2014) Patterns and drivers of wildfire occurrence and post-fire vegetation resilience across scales in Portugal and MSc in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources (Cibio/FCUP, 2007) Ensemble models of habitat suitability chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) conservation to forest and landscape dynamics in Western Africa. With articles in the areas of ecology, conservation, ecological modelling, remote sensing and fire ecology published in specialist journals, having interacted with an extensive list of collaborators in research projects and co-authorship of scientific papers during his career. Experienced in modelling tools, remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS).
Areas of interest:
Ecological modelling, Fire ecology, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote sensing
Title: Genes on the edge: A framework to detect genetic diversity imperiled by climate change
Year: 2019
Authors: Carvalho, S.; Torres, J.; Tarroso, P.; Velo-Antón, G.
Journal: Global Change Biology
Title: The role of fire on wolf distribution and breeding-site selection: Insights from a generalist carnivore occurring in a fire-prone landscape
Year: 2019
Authors: Lino, S.; Sillero, N.; Torres, J.; Santos, X.; Álvares, F.
Journal: Landscape and Urban Planning
Title: Indicator-based assessment of post-fire recovery dynamics using satellite NDVI time-series
Year: 2018
Authors: Torres, J.; Gonçalves J.; Marcos, B.; Honrado, J.
Journal: Ecological Indicators
Title: Local lithological drivers of post-fire vegetation recovery and implications for fire-prone regions
Year: 2016
Authors: Torres, J.; Marques, J.; Silva, H., Honrado, J.
Journal: Ecological Research