Jorge Cunha
Project Manager
Master in Forest Resources Engineering (UTAD, 2005)
Work Line 3: Circular economy and value chains
Jorge Cunha has a degree in Forest Engineering and a Master in Forest Resources Engineering (UTAD, 2005). With high experience in management and coordination of projects, he has been following some themes namely related to group management and property consolidation models, forest planning and management, biomass for energy purposes, supply chains and forest logistics, digitalization of processes and bioeconomy. He is qualified as an auditor in forest management PEFC and FSC. He is currently attending a PhD program in Agrarian and Forest Sciences (UTAD).
Areas of interest:
Bioeconomy and circular economy; Digital technologies to support forest management; Supply chains and flow analysis; Property consolidation.
Title: Analysis of the Major Forest Biomass Supply Flows in Portugal.
Year: 2021
Authors: Cunha, J. e Marques, A.
Journal: Silva Lusitana, Journal of the National Institute of Agricultural Research
Title: Contribution towards a comprehensive methodology for wood-based biomass material flow analysis in a circular economy setting
Year: 2020
Authors: Marques A.; Cunha J.; DeMeyer, A.; Navare K.
Journal: Forests 11 (1): Special issue: “Supply Chain Optimization for Biomass and Biofuels”
Title: Combination of Structural and Compositional Factors for Describing Forest Types using National Forest Inventory Data. Monitoring and Indicator of Forest Biodiversity in Europe: From ideas to operationalize
Year: 2005
Authors: Rego, F.; Godinho-Ferreira, P.; Uva, J. e Cunha, J.
Journal: European Forest Institut. Procedings n.º 51