Pedro Britto
Senior Researcher
PhD in Natural Sciences (U. Freiburg, 2021)
Work Line 3: Circular economy and value chains
Master’s degree in Forest Sciences at the State University of the Centre-West (Unicentro), Brazil. Doctorate in Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat.) at the University of Freiburg, Germany. Pedro Britto has experiences in forest operations safety and ergonomics, reduced impact logging and sustainable forest management.
Areas of interest:
Forestry operations, Operational research, Wood supply chains, Circular economy, Safety and ergonomics, Forestry 4.0, Reduced impact logging, Sustainable forest management.
Title: Multi-year, post-harvesting impact assessment in a neotropical secondary Atlantic Forest
Year: 2022
Authors: Britto, P., Jaeger, D., Hoffmann, S., Robert, R., Vibrans, A. and Fantini, A.
Journal: European Journal of Forest Research
Title: Impact Assessment of Timber Harvesting Operations for Enhancing Sustainable Management in a Secondary Atlantic Forest.
Year: 2019
Authors: Britto, P., Jaeger, D., Hoffmann, S., Robert, R., Vibrans, A. and Fantini, A.
Journal: Sustainability
Title: Postural Discomfort in Manual Operations of Forest Planting
Year: 2019
Authors: Lopes, E., Britto, P., Rodrigues, C.
Journal: Floresta e Ambiente
Title: Productivity assessment of timber harvesting techniques for supporting sustainable forest management of secondary Atlantic Forests in southern Brazil.
Year: 2017
Authors: Britto, P., Jaeger, D., Hoffmann, S., Robert, R., Fantini, A., Vibrans, A.
Journal: Annals of Forest Research